New Feature Preview - Job Board

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While I'm talking about new features, I just want to quickly preview one that is essentially done and will be included in the final release of CE version 7.0 (which is currently in Beta). That is a new Job Board module. The core functionality is fairly simple. Users can:
1) Search Jobs
2) Post Jobs
3) Search Resumes
4) Post Resumes

This will be very useful to community oriented clients who want to provide their community members with a way to get the word out about jobs and resumes.

And, this is yet another example of how broadly featured CE is. Most AMS / CRM / CMS systems do not include this kind of functionality out of the box and as a native part of the application. And, those that do are typically more expensive.

We'll have more information on this feature soon. In the mean time, anyone who is interested in this should feel free to post a message in the forum or in our Contact Us page.

Improvement to CE's Email module de-duping

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This improvement may be obscure to some users, but for others it may be important so I just want to note it here briefly. In the past, CE has de-duped email lists automatically. For instance, if you pull in a new segmented list to an existing list, CE will not allow duplicate email records to be added to the list.

However, if you sent an email to multiple lists and the same address was on two or more of those lists, CE would send to that address multiple times. That is what we have changed.

CE didn't always work this way, and to be honest, I can't quite remember why we made the change in the first place. But, I think it was one of those situations where something that seemed like a good idea at the time didn't end up being an optimal solution for the majority of clients. So, we have changed this back to the original functionality in which, when you send an email to multiple lists at the same time, if an address is on more than one of those lists, it will only receive a single email. Yay!

So, now there are two ways that CE's email module de-dupes automatically for users.

Hope that helps!
